In general RSS could be one of the most practical ways to save time and effort for the news and knowledge you are in quest of. Depending on what you do and what your area of interest is, choosing the right subscriptions and feeds become critical. It required some time and endurance to find out that the chosen subscriptions are actually what I was expecting them to be or not, and depending on how many of them you have, there could be a lot of things to read every day. But then again, I don't have to read all of them and I can pick and choose according to my time and the necessity of the subject. One specific thing I like about RSS is the fact that I could see the headlines and titles first and then read them if they sounded interesting enough. I also liked how quickly I could obtain a lot of news; local or national. What didn't work was that I couldn't really look for a specific subject or matter and I still have to refer to google or youtube for many things. One thing I would have done differently, I would have maybe limited the number of my subscriptions and also alphabetized it.
In a learning situation, depending on the subject, I would spend more time studing about different blogs and websites relating to that subject and then carefully choose the ones that seem to be beneficial and practical the most and subscribe to those. For example, one site that I picked, called Dental Hygienist jobs, although might be very useful for some people, is one of those things that I would probably remove it from my google reader sometime soon. There hasn't been one single job offer in it for the state of Iowa eversince I have checked this site, plus I don't learn anything from it. On the other hand, consists of many short and sweet segments, easy to follow and includes interesting materials to read and watch.
Overal, I am thankful for this great creation, RSS. I would give it a two thumbs up and it is a keeper.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
In my Emerging Instructional Technology class, I was assigned to learn about web designing and share it with the class. One of the sources that I was able to find great and useful information about web designing was from my own RSS! I added a tab in my igoogle named "web design" and now, I can browse and choose through all the "how tos" and "updates" about web designing. Having a web page is becoming more and more of a valuable tool amongst the individuals, particularly the educators. Many instructors today have their own websites for the students to refer to as a location of class resources and feedbacks. I believe web designing is very practical for the educators at any level. The links I found in my igoogle give great insight about most of the things I was looking about creating a web page. You can for example go to and download it for free web page designing! and download it for free web page designing!

Friday, October 17, 2008

One of the sources in my RSS, as I mentioned it in my last blog, is
In that website I found and interesting link called school of everything. It is like a broad version of classroom 2.0. School of everything is a social learning network that connects people who can teach with people who want to learn. You can explore whatever you want to teach or learn using the category and subject pages and then choose "Learn

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

RSS is really interesting. Basically instead of checking your favorite blogs and websites individually, all of them gather in one place, i.e. in your google reader page, and become one click away. So you don't have to think about what are all the things you want to check out every single day. This week in our class, we practiced how to use RSS. So far I have included all of my classmates' blogs, and some other blogs for my information sources. Mine, and the reasons behind them, are as following:
These are all of my classmates' plus my professor's
Blogging My Mind
Dave's blog
Dr. Z Reflects
Education and Technology
Elser's Thoughts
Kate's Blog
Mary's Blog
My Sweet Blog
and Nerdy Thoughts on Technology in Education
The rest are blogs recommended by the professor and the ones I personally thought would be useful to me:
2 cents worth
Rob Galloway's blog
Cool Cat Teacher Blog
Steve Hargadon's blog
are all class requirements.
Cedar Falls News
I live in Cedar Falls and I want to know all the highlights of my town daily.
Airfare Deals
My husband and I like to find inexpensive airfare deals when we travel.
Dental Hygienist Job
I am a dental hygienist and I would like to know what other job opprtunities are out there, as well as the pay.
Emerging Instructional Technology
Class requirement; this is actually designed by my professor, Dr. Z and shows you all the things we have learned and done so far.
The tooth booth dental
I can find great interesting dental information from this blog.
So all of these come to me everyday, in one page and I can select which one I wants to read at a time. Helpful and time-saving!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Iowa Wellness and Spinal Tuning Center
This is a consultation and referral services. Dr. C Ragu offers advice and counsel to you at very reasonable prices. Consultations are scheduled through IM.
MD kiosk Health classes
Here, you can take health related classes, and watch health related videos. As you walk along the paths, you’ll find interesting health questions that can improve your life.
Veterans Health Administration (VHA)
Benefits for Family Members
VA offers limited medical benefits for family members of eligible veterans. These include the following programs:
- Civilian Health And Medical Program of VA (CHAMPVA)
- Spinal Bifida Program
- Children of Women Vietnam Veterans
- Bereavement Counseling
- Services for Care Givers
Local Hospital
They provide strategic leadership for all of the NHS health services in London. They have overall responsibility for the performance of 31 primary care trusts (PCTs), 24 acute trusts, three mental health trusts and the London Ambulance Service.
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